document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
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    window.addEventListener('scroll', onScroll);

Cookie Policy

The WEBSITE uses its own and third-party cookies files.

Cookie files and similar technologies, such as web beacons or bugs (hereinafter, jointly referred to as “COOKIES”), are physical information files or files that are stored on the USER’s device (computer, mobile phone, tablet, etc.). ), unequivocally associated with said device, and that allow the collection and recovery of information regarding the navigation carried out from it. For more information about COOKIES: https://www.allaboutcookies.org/es/.

Type and purpose of COOKIES used on the WEBSITE

The WEBSITE uses its own COOKIES (they are sent to the USER’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by BC3 and from which it provides its services) and third-party COOKIES (they are sent to the USER’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by another entity other than BC3) of the following types:

  • Technical COOKIES: These are those that allow the user to navigate through the WEBSITE and use the different options or services available therein, including those used to allow the management and operation of the WEBSITE and enable its functions and services, such as , for example, controlling traffic and data communication, identifying the session, accessing restricted access parts, remembering the elements that make up an order, carrying out the purchase process of an order, managing payment, controlling fraud linked to the security of the service, or make a request for registration or participation in an event.
  • Preference or personalisation COOKIES: These are those that allow the USER to remember information so that the USER can access the service with certain characteristics that can differentiate their experience from that of other USERS, such as, for example, the language, the number of results to be shown when the The user performs a search, the appearance or content of the service depending on the type of browser used or the region from which he or she accesses the service.
  • Analysis or measurement COOKIES: These are those that allow the person responsible for them to monitor and analyze the USER’s behavior on the WEBSITE, including the quantification of the impacts of the advertisements. The information collected through this type of COOKIES is used to measure the activity of the WEBSITE in order to introduce improvements based on the analysis of usage data by USERS.


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Sharing data

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wpEmojiSettingsSupportssessionStore browser details

_utma2 yearsIt is used to count how many times a unique user views the website.
_utmb30 minutesRecords the time of arrival at the website 30 minutes.
_utmt10 minutesUsed to limit the percentage of requests.
_utmz6 monthsStores the traffic source or campaign that explains how the user reached the website.
_ga2 yearsRegisters a unique identification that is used to generate statistical data about the use of the WEBSITE by the USER.
_mcool-a-clientd1 yearunder investigation
_mcool-att-0sessionunder investigation

The WEBSITE uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service developed by Google that allows BC3 to know how USERS interact with the WEBSITE and prepare reports on its browsing trends without identifying individual USERS.

The information generated by Google Analytics COOKIES will be directly collected and archived by Google on its own servers. Consequently, said collection of information about the use of the WEBSITE by the USER and the determination of the purpose of the treatment and use of the information collected corresponds exclusively to Google, who acts on its own behalf, while BC3 does not have access. in no case to said information, but only to the aggregated and anonymous information that Google provides through its reports.

You can find more information about the use of COOKIES by Google and the processing of your personal data by said entity in the following links:

You can see more information about the use of your COOKIES and your privacy policy at: https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies?hl=en.

In any case, it is stated that BC3 does not have access to the information collected through the aforementioned COOKIES of third parties, apart from the aggregated and anonymous information that, where appropriate, they make available to it, said third parties being the ones who determine the purpose of the treatment and use of said information.

Acceptance, denial and revocation of consent for the use of COOKIES

When the USER accesses the WEBSITE for the first time, a notice is displayed that will allow them to (i) accept the use of COOKIES; (ii) reject the use of COOKIES (except those strictly necessary); or (iii) configure its preferences through the functionality included for this purpose in said notice.

The aforementioned configuration functionality will be permanently accessible to the USER through the “Cookie Policy” and will allow you to view, at any time, the type of cookies and their function, select the installation of COOKIES according to your preferences and revoke consent. previously lent.

Please note that, if you accept third-party COOKIES, you must delete them from the browser options or from the system offered by the third party itself. You can find more information about it at the following links:

  • Browser configuration:

The WEBSITE is accessible without the need for the options regarding COOKIES to be activated. However, the rejection or uninstallation of COOKIES may mean that access to certain content and the use of some services made available to the USER through the WEBSITE are not fully functional.

Data protection

Any data processing carried out by BC3 as a consequence of the use of its own COOKIES will be governed by the provisions of the Privacy Policy.

You can find out about international transfers to third countries that, where applicable, are carried out by the third parties identified in this “Cookies Policy” and about the rest of the aspects related to the processing of your data by them in their corresponding privacy policies ( see the links provided in the Section relating to third-party COOKIES).