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Privacy Policy

Terms of Use and General Privacy Policy

Last amendment: 30/08/2024

BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change – Klima Aldaketa Ikergai, hereinafter BC3, responsible for the website, in compliance with the obligations laid down in Law 34/2002, of 11 July, Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce makes the conditions of use of the website available to users and reserves the right to modify its content without prior notice.

Access to this site implies acceptance of these terms of use.


Corporate name: BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change-Klima Aldaketa Ikergai

TAX ID: G95532826

Registered office: Edificio Sede 1, 1º Planta 1 – Parque Cientifico Upv/Ehu B/Sarriena s/n, 48940 Leioa, Bizkaia.

e-mail: info@bc3research.org


The use of the website implies full acceptance of all clauses and conditions of use included in the pages:

  • Legal Note
  • Privacy Policy
  • Cookies Policy

If you do not agree with each and every one of these terms and conditions, please refrain from browsing https://klab.integratedmodelling.org/, hereinafter referred to as the Web Site.

Access and use of the Website

No subscription or registration as a user is required to access and use the Web site, despite the fact that subscription or registration is required for the use of certain services or contents of the Web site.

In the event that subscription or registration to any of the contents of this website is required, BC3 will adopt the necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection of personal data and avoid its alteration, loss, treatment and/or unauthorized access, in accordance with the provisions of the Spanish legislation on Protection of Personal Data in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy that can be found under the heading 3 of these conditions.

The user undertakes to make appropriate and lawful use of the website, as well as the contents and services, in accordance with the applicable legislation in force and the present conditions. In this sense, the user must refrain from making unauthorized or fraudulent use of the website and/or the contents thereof for purposes or effects that are unlawful and/or prohibited in these Conditions.

BC3 is entitled to temporarily or permanently suspend, without prior notice, access to the website for maintenance, repairs, updates or improvements.

Liability and Third Party Links

Any content on the website is subject to additions, corrections and updates. Although BC3 will use its best efforts to provide current and accurate information, BC3 does not guarantees that the information is up to date and accurate. BC3 assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions and obsolescence of the website.

BC3 shall not be liable for any damages that may arise from the use of the information on the website by users or third parties. Among others of:

  • Improper use of the Website by the User.
  • Continuity of the content of the website.
  • The absence of viruses and/or other harmful components on the Website or on the server that delivers it, both in relation to the viewing and downloading of content by the User.
  • Contents and services provided by other Websites that the User can access from the Internet addresses owned by BC3.
  • Performance of the contents hosted on the Website.
  • The damages caused, to himself or to third parties, by any person who fails to comply with the terms, rules and instructions established by BC3 on this Website.
  • Damages caused by the violation of the security systems of the Website.
  • Malfunctioning of software or plugging (downloads from the link provided for this purpose), which may be necessary to view or listen to certain content hosted on this Website.
  • Any activity or behaviour that may violate the rights of third parties, especially images, or intellectual or industrial property

These Terms and Conditions relate only to the Web Site, and do not apply to any third-party links or web sites accessible through this website. The destinations of such links are not under the control of BC3, and BC3 is not responsible for the content of any linked website or any link contained in a linked website.

Links are provided solely to inform the user of the existence of other sources of information, the inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement of the linked site by BC3.

Intellectual and industrial property

All the contents of the website, unless otherwise indicated, are of exclusive property or use of BC3, including but not limited to graphic design, logos, texts, graphics, illustrations, photographs and are protected by law. Under no circumstances shall it be understood that, by accessing this website, the user obtains any type of licence or authorisation for personal use of its intellectual and industrial property rights or any other right related to the website and the services offered therein. Therefore, the user acknowledges that the reproduction, distribution, commercialisation, transformation, and in general, any other form of exploitation, by any procedure, of all or part of the contents of this website constitutes an infringement of the intellectual and/or industrial property rights of BC3 or of the owner of the same.

Therefore, any use or exploitation of any rights shall be subject to the prior and express authorisation specifically granted for this purpose by BC3 or the third-party owner of the rights concerned.

Use of social networks

The official ARIES social network accounts to which the Website is linked require agreement with the general terms of use of social networks and the privacy policy detailed below, and with the policies and rules of each platform of the social networks.

Read these terms of use carefully, as they contain all the information related to your rights and obligations as a User of the official pages of social networks. The access and use of the official pages of social networks is subject to compliance with the terms established by each social network as the owner of the social networking service platform.

When the User accesses or uses the k.LAB social network profiles, they give their consent and agree to comply with the provisions of these terms of use.

Children under the age of 14 are prohibited from accessing or using the aforementioned social networks.


Your privacy and the security of your personal data are very important to us. We therefore urge you to read this Privacy Policy carefully to understand how BC3 will treat any personal data that may be collected through the various forms that may be found on the https://klab.integratedmodelling.org/ website. Please note that your personal data will be treated confidentially and only for the purposes for which you have consented.

For more information about the use of cookies on our website, please see our Cookie Policy.

In accordance with Organic Law 03/2018, of December 5, on Data Protection and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and based on the principles of transparency, loyalty and legality, below we describe how we treat your data personal:

Data controller

Identity: Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3)

Postal address: Edificio Sede, Campus EHU, Barrio Sarriena, s/n, 48940 Lejona, Vizcaya

Contact details of the Data Controller: ARCrights@BC3research.org

Purposes of data processing

BC3 collects your personal data only to provide a functional and operational website and, where appropriate, to process your requests and provide you with the services to which you have consented. In this respect, BC3 undertakes to process your data in accordance with Spanish and European legal regulations.

Processing of your data

a) Visits to the website: Each time you access the website the system automatically collects information such as:

  • IP address.
  • Browser type.
  • Device.
  • Date and time of access.
  • Country of origin of the access.

This data collection is necessary for the optimal functioning of the website. This data will be stored temporarily for the entire period of use of the website in order for the website to function properly. The data will not be used for marketing purposes. The legal basis for the temporary storage of data and log files is Article 6 paragraph 1 section f of the GDPR.

b) Contact form: In case you contact BC3 using one of the contact forms on the website or by sending us an email, the personal data included will be stored in full. In the case of the form, the data collected will be the following:

  • Name and surname.
  • E-mail address.
  • Contact subject/subject
  • Message

For this data processing, we will ask for your consent before the form is sent and will direct you to the privacy policy via a hyperlink.

We will process the personal data contained in the e-mails and the contact form exclusively for the purpose of correspondence and replying to the request made. If the establishment of the contact is related to a contract, Article 6 paragraph 1 section f of the GDPR, will be the legal basis for the processing additionally.

Your data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer required for the purpose for which they were collected, unless you expressly consent to subscribe to the BC3 newsletter.

c) Newsletter: By giving your consent you can subscribe to our newsletter via the website, through which we will inform you of any news regarding ARIES, BC3, news, trainings, events, etc. We will store the date of registration in order to be able to prove your registration and, if necessary, to clarify a possible unlawful use of your data.

You may revoke your consent to receive marketing communications at any time by clicking on the relevant link or button in each communication. The information is stored for as long as you remain subscribed to the newsletter.

d) Recruitment procedure: Your data will be processed for the purpose of recruiting personnel for jobs and the establishment, where appropriate, of an employment relationship with BC3. If you are not selected BC3 will delete your data within 15 working days from the end of the recruitment procedure. No specific notification of the deletion of this data will be made.

How we obtain your personal data

We collect information of two types:

  • Information you provide to us. For example, through web forms we will ask you for personal information, such as your name or email address.
  • Browsing information. This is information needed to establish a connection with our servers, such as your IP address.

Accuracy and veracity of the data provided

As a user of BC3 services, you guarantee and are responsible, in any case, for the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data you provide us with, and you undertake to keep them duly updated.

You can also update your data or unsubscribe.

For how long will we keep your data

The personal data provided by you will be retained for as long as they are necessary to meet the purposes for which, in each case, they have been collected in order to maintain your relationship or link with BC3 and you do not request their deletion, being also retained in accordance with the legal deadlines for compliance with legal obligations required to BC3.

Legitimation. Legal entitlement for the use of the data.

The legitimacy for the processing of data by us will be in accordance with the terms established by article 6 of the European General Data Protection Regulation, relating to ordinary data, or, where appropriate, article 9 of the said European Regulation relating to special categories of data, informing you of the title or titles of lawfulness that apply to each service provision, which may be consent, the execution of a legal relationship to which you are a party, compliance with a legal obligation or our interest in the development of our own services and competences.


Your personal data may be accessed by our service providers, as processors, located in the European Union or outside the European Economic Area, either as necessary to provide you with the requested service or in order to provide you with the service to the highest quality standards. In any case, BC3 will ensure that these data processing operations are always protected with the appropriate safeguards:

  • EU-approved standard clauses: These are contracts approved by the European regulator, and which provide sufficient guarantees to ensure that the processing complies with the requirements established by the European Data Protection Regulation.
  • Third-party certifications.

Specifically, these service providers are:

  • Google Analytics, as a provider of web analytics services, which collects browsing information. 
  • Mailchimp, as provider of the technological platform that we use to send newsletter emails.

What are your rights?

You, or where appropriate your legal representative, have the right to access your personal data subject to processing, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, to request their deletion when the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected, as well as to exercise the right to oppose and limit the processing and data portability. If you have obtained your consent, you have the right to revoke it at any time.

You may exercise these rights by sending a written request accompanied by a photocopy of your ID card to the e-mail address ARCrights@BC3research.org.

In the same way, you may withdraw your consent at any time, without this having any effect on the processing carried out prior to said withdrawal. In any case, you may file the corresponding complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

You can also update your data or unsubscribe.

Other information

We have implemented the necessary technical measures in order to protect your data and information from accidental loss, unauthorised access, use and disclosure. However, despite the diligent implementation of such measures, you should be aware that security measures are not impregnable. We are not responsible for the actions of third parties who, in breach of such measures, gain access to such data and information.


BC3 reserves the right to update the terms of use and/or privacy policy, if necessary, appropriate measures will be taken to inform users of the changes made.